Selectmen Minutes
July 16, 2024
Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody
Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm.
Motion to approve the minutes of 6/18/2024 (Dufresne/Bowles). All in favor, motion carried.
Motion to approve payroll and manifest for 7/16/2024 (Dufresne/Bowles). All in favor, motion carried.
Mr. Bowles, as Chairman, signed the 2024 2nd quarter 941 Payroll Tax Return.
Reviewed an intent to construct for Timothy Connor, 80 Spring Hill Rd. Motion to approve the intent to cut for Timothy Connor (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.
Discussion about the quote for the internal regulator on the generator. The Board approved repair during the August PM service by Powers.
Mr. Dufresne:
Requested that the Board be made aware when one of the Board members will be away.
Requested a list of persons with keys to the office. Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Town Administrator, Deputy Town Clerk, Deputy Tax Collector, Treasurer, and Office Cleaner. Keys are collected when someone leaves so that the key may be given to the new person.
The refrigerator is 25 years old, it would cost about $650 to $700 to replace. Mr. Bowles noted that although the refrigerator is noisy it does work. Discussion about sending out an email with the width and height of the refrigerator and requesting a donation if anyone is purchasing a new refrigerator.
The well has been bleached and a test kit has been ordered to retest the water.
The door window in the large meeting room has been replaced.
The Cemetery Committee is close to having a policy to present to the Board. The Committee is hoping to have a draft for the Board to review at the August meeting.
Mr. Shomody:
A resident has contacted him about the increased traffic on McCoy Road. The question was asked about requesting the Police get this road on their rotation for patrol. Mr. Bowles will contact the Police Chief regarding this matter.
Mr. Bowles:
The Conval Withdrawal Committee met on Thursday, July 11, 2024. Dublin and Francestown Withdrawal Committees will be making presentations to the Conval Withdrawal Committee on 8/8/2024.
The Board needs to get a message out to residents about the setback issues. Mr. Shomody is working on a draft to send to residents.
Sandy Eneguess:
Paving is completed, about $10,000 was saved from the estimate.
Will be starting patching on Temple Road and will be doing mowing.
Work was done on Cross Road and Swamp Road.
Thanked Ken Callahan and Rory Goff for flagging.
Gina Goff:
Requested that the Board notify residents when the Avitar representative will be in town.
Motion to adjourn – Dufresne
Meeting adjourned at 6:19 pm.
Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 08/20/2024.