Selectmen Minutes
August 20, 2024
Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody
Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm.
Motion to approve the minutes of 7/16/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.
Motion to approve payroll and manifest for 8/20/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.
Motion to approve William Fisher’s license to sell pistols and revolvers (Bowles/Shomody). All in Favor, motion carried.
Motion to accept and sign the 2024 MS-535 (Dufresne/Bowles). All in favor, motion carried.
Motion to approve an intent to construct for Eric and Felicia Karlson, 801 NH RT 123, M 3 L 38A, to convert an existing deck into a sunroom (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.
The Town Administrator reviewed the results of the audit with the Board.
Motion to approve requests for transfers from the Road Maintenance Reserve Fund $142, 282.11 and the Assessment Reserve Fund $8,652.00 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.
Discussion about the generator repair, the internal regulator has been replaced. The TA will call Ciardelli Fuel to have them do a review for propane delivery. A new generator maintenance/repair company will be looked for.
Mr. Dufresne:
Discussion about the Emergency Manager position, Sara Tobias is not able to continue as the EMD. Ms. Tobias gave the Board a list of items that are currently being worked on. Questions were asked about different aspects of the emergency management function and liaison positions with different entities, such as Eversource. Motion to accept, with regret, the resignation of Sara Tobias from the Emergency Management Director position (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried. This open position will be publicized.
Discussion about noise as a public health issue, especially gunfire, after dark. Mr. Bowles had spoken to Chief Guinard who suggested that the Police be called and the “public nuisance” may be utilized.
The Planning Board had discussed “safety issues” in regards to the farmstand on Jarmany Hill Road. The Select Board enforces zoning and doesn’t feel there is an issue. If the PB feels there is an issue they should request the resident file for site plan review.
Asked about the water test for the Meeting House, a test kit has been ordered.
Mr. Shomody:
Requested feedback on the draft letter to residents regarding zoning violations. Mr. Bowles explained to the public that the Board is going to send out a letter to all residents to remind them about setback issues. The goal is to inform people that setback issues will be looked at and try to get them to check setbacks themselves. Mr. Bowles suggested that this letter might be used as the follow-up letter. Mr. Dufresne said the Board’s goal is to get residents to self-regulate.
Would like the information on the website about the Fire Warden and burn permits be checked for correctness. Gina Goff stated that she has not had any problems contacting the Fire Warden by text messages.
Mr. Bowles:
A meeting with Peterborough needs to be set up. The TA will contact the Peterborough Town Administrator to get some dates. The Board will let the TA know what dates they might be available.
The Bass Park picnic is set for 8/25. Mr. Bowles will speak at the picnic to give Board updates.
Conval Withdrawal Committee, the last meeting both Dublin and Francestown made presentations about their reasons for withdrawal.
Ken Callahan:
Spoke about Gina Goff’s book about the Town of Sharon. He would has bought copies of this book and would like to sell and donate the profits to the Archive Committee. After discussion it was determined that a copy of the book will be left in the waiting room and a sign will be left that people can contact Ken Callahan to purchase.
There is a need to purchase two dehumidifiers for the archive room. The budget will be looked at to determine how much is available. A dehumidifier is also needed for the utility room. This room has no drain, so a dehumidifier with a pump will be needed.
The boot for the vent pipe going through the roof has been rearranged and does not seem to be leaking.
Furnace and septic maintenance need to be looked at.
Gina Goff:
Submitted an updated list of improvements that are being suggested for the Meeting House and School House. The Board will review and discuss at the first meeting in September.
Karen Shea Dufresne:
A potluck is scheduled for 9/15/24 to create more community. The group is calling itself “Sharing in Sharon”. Asked if there are any safety concerns they should be addressing. Mr. Bowles said that the safety concerns are when people are crossing the street to go over to Bass Park.
The Board will go back to the regular schedule of the 1st and 3rd Tuesday beginning in September. The meeting of 9/117 will be held in the School House.
Motion to adjourn – Dufresne
Meeting adjourned at 6:19 pm.
Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 09/03/2024.