Selectmen Minutes
February 20, 2024
Present: Chet Bowles, Diane Callahan, Rich Dufresne
Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:10 pm.
Start up meeting for the 2024 revaluation. In attendance Kerry Connor and Evan Roberge from Avitar, Lisa Mudge and Steve Dellapelle from the State of NH DRA. Evan Roberge explained the process to be followed. The revaluation will be as of April 1, 2024. Sharon is hard because of the lack of sales, the DRA would like 20 sales for comparison purposes, but the data can only go back 2 years. Sharon has had 3 sales. Avitar will probably use some sales from Temple for comparison purposes. The question was asked about why use Temple, the explanation was that Temple is on the same revaluation cycle and, except for size, is similar to Sharon. Mr. Roberge then explained that all sale properties will be visited and hopefully the assessors will be able to inspect the interior. There will bea field review in July, preliminary notices of valuation will be sent in August. Residents will have about a month to access the Avitar website for 1 to 2 months to review values. Avitar will also hold hearings for Residents to make appointments to discuss their new assessments.
Lisa Mudge explained that the DRA looks for a minimum of 8 to 10 sales to make sure numbers are valid. Ms. Mudge also explained that the DRA oversees the assessing work done by Avitar. Steve Dellapelle explained other assessment review requirements, these include reviewing current use, Veteran’s credits, and Elderly exemptions.
Motion to approve the 2/5/2024 and 2/13/2024 minutes (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.
Motion to approve the 2/20/2024 payroll and manifest (Dufrense/Callahan). All in favor, motion carried.
The Board reviewed the warrant, some typos were pointed out that will be corrected. The Board recommends all warrant articles. Data on Article #11 is still being obtained regarding the purchase of new computers for the Town Clerk and Town Administrator. The Town Administrator will request a pre-review from the DRA and the Town Attorney. Once their opinions have been received the MS-636 Budget Form and the Warrant will be printed for the Board’s signature. These will need to be posted by Monday, February 26, 2024.
Ken Callahan:
Evaluated the leak in the kitchen. The boot around the vent pipe may not be installed correctly, may be able to “push” it back in place. Vaillancourt Roofing quoted a cost from $400 to $1,000 to fix/replace. Mr. Callahan recommended waiting until warmer weather to do anything. Sandy Eneguess informed the Board that they will need to be careful so as not to void the lifetime warranty on the roof.
Discussion about the intersection of Nashua Road and Rte 123. Sandy Eneguess has spoken to Chief Guinard, Peterborough Police Chief. Chief Guinard’s opinion is that most of the problems occur because people don’t pay attention. Suggestions made were to move the stop sign, and/or speak to the State about a flashing light at the intersection. Mr. Eneguess doesn’t know the history of the Nashua Road and Rte 124 intersection. The Board supported the idea of sending a letter to the State. Mr. Eneguess will get a name to address the letter to.
Discussion about a strategy to communicate the 2 portions of town meeting. A notice will be put on the website, the message boards will be used, and an email blast will be sent.
Ms. Callahan:
Spoke about the Planning Board’s reaction to the Select Board’s suggestion about handling zoning complaints. Jeff Osgood stated that the problem is enforcement. Mr. Bowles said the Select Board is willing to enforce, but the Board needs to be informed of violations. Ms. Callahan spoke about a procedure for people to follow to report violations. Mr. Dufresne asked about things like chicken coops in setbacks. Mr. Bowles said that the Board needs to know about infractions and needs to know that a use is not permitted, he also stated that if members of the Planning Board knows about something they need to inform the BOS/
Someone called her with a question about the use of bridge funds. The fund was created in 2000. Can this fund be used for bridge repairs? The Town Attorney will be asked for an interpretation of the original warrant article.
Sandy Eneguess:
Sann-Ken is keeping Swamp Road open to their property.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.
Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 03/03/2024.