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Author: Debra Harling

  • Selectmen 2024-08-20

    Selectmen Minutes August 20, 2024 Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm. Motion to approve the minutes of 7/16/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All…

  • NH State Primary 9-10-24

    Polls open at 11:00 am on 9-10-2024 for the NH State Primary Elections. Polls close at 7:00 pm. Elections are held in the Town Meetinghouse on Route 123.

  • Planning Board 2024-07-09

    Planning Board Minutes July 9, 2024 Present: Gerald DeBonis, Rich Dufresne, Bill Joyner, Jeff Osgood Jeff Osgood opened the meeting at 6:00 PM. A motion was made, seconded and approved…

  • 09-15-24 PotLuck

    Potluck! – Town of Sharon Let’s meet and greet each other and build the Sharon community (please bring your kids!). Let’s use our Town Meetinghouse to have some fun, meet…

  • State of New Hampshire-Department of Revenue

    The Department of Revenue will be completing their 2023 cyclical monitoring on Thursday, August 29, 2024. Their representative will be visiting 12 properties, chosen at random, to review the information…

  • Selectmen 2024-07-16

    Selectmen Minutes July 16, 2024 Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm. Motion to approve the minutes of 6/18/2024 (Dufresne/Bowles). All…

  • Selectmen 2024-06-18

    Selectmen Minutes June 18, 2024 Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:31 pm. Motion to approve the minutes of 5/21/2024 (Dufresne/Bowles). All…

  • Planning Board 2024-06-11

    Planning Board Minutes June 11, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias Public Hearing for John Albanese-, 43 Turnpike Road, ground mounted solar array called to order…