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Author: Admin

  • Selectmen 2024-05-21

    Selectmen Minutes May 21, 2024 Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm. Motion to approve the minutes of 5/7/2024 (Dufresne/Shomody). All…

  • Planning Board 2024-05-14

    Planning Board Minutes May 14, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Rich Dufresne Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:00 pm Motion to approve the…

  • Select Board Summer Schedule

    The Select Board is on its summer schedule. Scheduled meetings will be June 18, 2024, July 16, 2024, and August 20, 2024. Meetings start at 5:30 pm, unless otherwise posted.…

  • Planning Board 2024-04-09

    Planning Board Minutes April 9, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Rich Dufresne Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:06 pm Motion to approve the minutes of…

  • Selectmen 2024-05-07

    Selectmen Minutes May 7, 2024 Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:32 pm. Motion to approve the minutes of 4/16/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All…

  • Selectmen 2024-04-16

    Selectmen Minutes April 16, 2024 Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm. Motion to approve the minutes of 4/2/2024 (Dufresne/Shomody). All…

  • Planning Board 2024-03-13

    Planning Board Minutes March 13, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Diane Callahan Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:02 pm Motion to approve the…

  • Selectmen 2024-04-02

    Selectmen Minutes April 2, 2024 Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm. Motion to approve the minutes of 3/19/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All…