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Emergency Management

Please remember that 911 is the number to call for any acute emergency.

Emergencies are a possibly painful part of life.  Being prepared can make them less painful.  

Ice Storm

Emergency Management is the planning and response to major emergency situations that would have an adverse effect on the community or its residents. Such incidents may include natural and/or man made disasters. Under New Hampshire law, each community is required to have an Emergency Management Director who is responsible for coordination of a response to an emergency through a state-wide Incident Command System.

Activities may include planning for and delivering medical care, sheltering, food, water, transportation, evacuation, reopening roads, removing power lines, flood management, drainage improvements, rescue and education. For regional events, all activities are coordinated on a state-wide basis.

On this page you will find resources and information relevant to emergencies that affect the townspeople of Sharon NH. As we gain capability or information, this webpage will be updated. Suggestions for items to be included are welcome.

    • Contact Information

      Sharon Town Emergency Management
      Sara Tobias – 978 912 2028 (cell)

      For personal emergencies call 911
      Peterborough Police will respond rapidly to situations requiring immediate action, such as motor vehicle accidents, domestic disturbances, suspicious vehicles or persons and crimes in progress.

    • Emergency Resources (internet)
      Please remember that 911 is the number to call for any acute emergency.

      Emergencies are a part of life.  Being prepared can make them less painful.  The following are websites that offer plans, training, and guidance for some of our more frequently encountered situations. 

      State of New Hampshire
      New Hampshire Homeland Security
      Eversource outage maps
      Federal Emergency Management Assistance
    • Volunteer Resources

      Please contact the Emergency Management Director if you are willing to assist during a declared emergency (when public services are unavailable, such as in the case of a severe weather emergency).  The Emergency Management Director would coordinate this volunteer supplemental assistance until public services were available.
      The Town of Sharon is not trying to replace 911 emergency services (Fire, Police, Ambulance).

      Your information is held confidentially by the Town Emergency Management Director (and Deputy).

      Contact Us.

    • Emergency Kit and more

      You are encouraged to visit the Ready NH website for more information and resources.

      Your emergency kit contains basic items you and your family may need if an emergency happens. When a disaster hits, your family will depend on you. Take the first step towards getting ready to protect yourself and your family: prepare an emergency kit. At a minimum, plan to have at least a 3-day supply of food, water and medicine.

      It is important to remember to review the content of your kit on a regular basis. Some items can expire – like bottled water. Taking action means checking your kit and exchanging these items for fresh supplies. You can always swap out supplies before they expire and use them for lunch or dinner.

      Here is a printable card that is a shopping list for a typical emergency preparedness kit.  Emergency Kit Shopping List Card

      Don’t forget the Emergency Plan  –  Family Emergency Plan

      Also, here is an Emergency Contact Card  –  Emergency Contacts Cards

    • Red Cross Emergency Kit List
      Per the Red Cross, you should have the basic supplies listed below:
      1. Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
      2. Food: non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
      3. Flashlight
      4. Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
      5. Extra batteries
      6. First aid kit
      7. Medications (7-day supply) and medical items
      8. Multi-purpose tool
      9. Sanitation and personal hygiene items
      10. Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
      11. Cell phone with chargers
      12. Family and emergency contact information
      13. Extra cash
      14. Emergency blanket
      15. Map(s) of the area

      Consider the needs of all family members and add supplies to your kit:

      • Medical supplies (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, etc)
      • Baby supplies (bottles, formula, baby food, diapers)
      • Games and activities for children
      • Pet supplies (collar, leash, ID, food, carrier, bowl)
      • Two-way radios
      • Extra set of car keys and house keys
      • Manual can opener

      Additional supplies to keep at home or in your survival kit based on the types of disasters common to your area:

      • Whistle
      • N95 or surgical masks
      • Matches
      • Rain gear
      • Towels
      • Work gloves
      • Tools/supplies for securing your home
      • Extra clothing, hat and sturdy shoes
      • Plastic sheeting
      • Duct tape
      • Scissors
      • Household liquid bleach
      • Entertainment items
      • Blankets or sleeping bags
    • Generator Safety Tips

      Here is a list of ways to help stay safe when using a generator. Please read the generator manual and familiarize yourself with the operation of the generator.

      Also remember, if your power is out or if you see downed lines, you should report it to your power company.