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Burn (or Fire) Permits

Contact the Fire Warden
Fred Greathead, Warden 603-562-5165
Frank Presto, Deputy

Brush-burning permits are required for safety and proper notification of regional fire lookouts. Residential refuse burning is prohibited by State law.

Every person, firm or corporation who kindles or causes to be kindled any fire or burns or causes to be burned any material, except when the ground is covered with snow, SHALL obtain a written fire permit from the Forest Fire Warden in the town or city where the fire will be kindled.

When the area within a 100 foot radius from the fire edge is covered with snow or other frozen precipitation sufficient to prevent the combustion of woodland fuels until the fire is completely extinguished, a fire permit is not required. Before burning you should check with your local fire department for local restrictions.

Only Burning of untreated wood, untreated pallets, campfire wood, brush, or charcoal is allowed. Wood can be NO GREATER than 5 INCHES in DIAMETER.