Jarmany Hill Road
This drawing of the South Burying Ground was done in 2017. Rick Lusky (Nashua Road) and Jack Ogren (Spring Hill Road) did the measurements. Rick Lusky completed the scale drawing. The ‘year’ is the date of death inscribed on the headstone.

South Burying Ground
South Burying ground, Jarmany Hill, Sharon, NH.
Gravestones: 155
People buried: 165. Ten stones record more than one person. One has five.
Males: 82
Females: 83
Children (under 20): 40
Many of those buried were in their 20s and 30s
Oldest grave: Josiah Robbins, died May 20, 1795
Most recent: Edith Wilson, died January 19, 1982
The Wilson family appears to have the most descendants buried in the graveyard. Four people are identified as military veterans. Two identified as doctors. All stones are slate or rough marble, except one (polished granite) that appears to be a replacement for an older grave stone.
All heads are situated toward the west, traditionally for Christians to rise at the resurrection facing eastward toward Jerusalem and the Risen Christ.
Perhaps twenty-five to thirty unmarked field stones are placed throughout the graveyard in positions that could mark graves or be reserved for future graves. One whole corner of the graveyard is apparently empty of graves, though some depressions in the ground are visible. A large forsythia on the north side near the stone wall is the only planting. Otherwise, wild blueberries carpet much of the ground. Small trees are encroaching from the woodlands beyond the wall.
Ages are often given with the symbol AE or AEt. This is an abbreviation of the Latin word aetatis, meaning life or age in specific years.