Some things take longer than others.
Sliptown: The History of Sharon, New Hampshire 1738 – 1941
(Quoting Sharon town records) H. Thorn King, Page 73
Even in the early eighteen hundreds when the town was at its maximum, the interest in meeting-houses was doubtful. Thus in 1801 there was a meeting: “To see if the Town will vote to build a meeting house anywhere between Gilbert McCoy & the Middle School House in said Sharon & if not to choose a committee to find the most convenient place in said Sharon for said house & to agree upon the spot where it shall be & how large & at what time to be completed.”
And later the same year “Voted not to Build a meeting house between Gilbert McCoy’s and the Middle School House” and also “Voted NO to choose a committee to find the center of Sharon.”
Minutes, Town of Sharon Annual Town Meeting, March 14, 2006
Discussion: There were several minor questions and objections raised, and many words of praise for the Building Committee on its hard work and responsiveness to last year’s objections and suggestions. Voting was done by secret ballot, resulting in 52 votes for, 16 votes opposed. A vote of 2/3 (in this case 46 votes) was required to pass the Article.
Article 1 passes.
P.S. The Sharon Town Meeting House was built on time and under budget!