Town Clerk
Dianne Mitchell – Town Clerk 603-209-8909 (cell) Office: 603-924-9250 during office hours, or email at: sharontownclerk@gmail.com Office Hours: Tues and Thurs 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm, and by appointment, at…
Trustees of Trust Funds
Rory Goff – Chair 603-289-0490 (Text is most effective) goff.rpg@gmail.com Jeff Osgood kalmiabks@gmail.com John LaDue johnjladue@gmail.com Responsibilities include: Depositing funds into trusts; withdrawing funds from trusts; preparing MS-9 and MS-10…
Rory Goff 603-289-0490 (Text is most effective) Town email: webmaster.sharonnh@gmail.com Personal email: goff.rpg@gmail.com Responsibilities include: adding/removing people from the email list; editing the website; sending out Town wide emails; posting…