Planning Board Minutes
March 13, 2024
Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Diane Callahan
Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:02 pm
Motion to approve the minutes of 2/13/2024 (Joyner/Tobias). All in favor, motion carried.
Chair Communications:
The update to the 2023 Planning and Zoning handbook is on-line. Ms. Harling informed the Board that a hardcopy has been ordered from SWRPC.
The Spring 2023 Planning and Zoning Conference will be an on-line event.
Currently there is nothing in the Sharon Zoning Ordinance regarding recreational vehicles (RV). Is this something that the Board would want to look into and deal with? Discussion about the reason for looking at this. Is this to regulate ownership and storage or use of an RV for dwelling, the question was also asked about someone staying in an RV for a short period of time. Tobias suggested if looking at health and safety it might be appropriate. Joyner suggested exploring this and looking at what other towns have. Discussion about when an RV might be an accessory dwelling. Joyner will look up an article he read about ADUs and send it to the Board.
Noise regulation – does the Board want to look at this? Osgood stated that this type of regulation seems difficult. Joyner has spoken to NHMA legal and they informed him that noise ordinances are difficult to enforce. The Board will not pursue a noise ordinance at this time.
The Board will recommend that DeBonis be re-appointed to the PB.
DeBonis suggested that Don Carrara be recommended to the Select Board as an alternate to the PB.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm
Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 04/09/2024.