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Planning Board 2024-06-11

Planning Board Minutes
June 11, 2024

Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias

Public Hearing for John Albanese-, 43 Turnpike Road, ground mounted solar array called to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:00 pm.

Ryan Young of Sundial Solar made a presentation for the ground mounted solar array. There will be two arrays, sized appropriately to the home for residential use. The power output is 5.7 KW for both arrays with a total of 10+ KW, there is 480 watts for each panel. The interconnection approval has been received from Eversource. The life span is estimated at20 to 30 years. The height of each panel is 6 ½ ft, but won’t be higher than the home. Mr. Joyner has looked at the site and it appears as shown, there are no batteries in this system.

The hearing was closed at 6:19 pm.

Regular meeting was called to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:19 pm

Motion to approve the minutes of 5/14/2024 (DeBonis/Joyner). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to approve the solar installation as described for John Albanese, 34 Turnpike Road (DeBonis/Joyner). All in favor, motion carried.

Mr. Osgood:
Discussion about an RV ordinance – review of proposed definitions. Presented a draft for an ordinance. There was discussion about the reason for needing an ordinance. Ms. Tobias asked why there is a limit for RVs but not other vehicles. Osgood will look into this. There was discussion about storage and how many RVs could be “stored”. Mr. DeBonis had two concerns 1) RVs not be used as accessory dwellings, 2) RVs do not become an “eyesore” for neighbors. There was discussion about what constitutes a period of nonuse. Osgood will look at vehicle regulations. The first three paragraphs are okay with the Board, the last paragraph needs more thought and discussion.
There is a new farm stand on wheels at Jarmany Hill Road and Rt 123, there could be an issue with parking in this location.

Next meeting Tuesday, 7/9/2024 at 6:00 pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm, motion to adjourn by DeBonis

Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 07/09/2024.