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Planning Board 2024-07-09

Planning Board Minutes July 9, 2024

Present: Gerald DeBonis, Rich Dufresne, Bill Joyner, Jeff Osgood

Jeff Osgood opened the meeting at 6:00 PM.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes of the June 11, 2024 meeting (DeBonis/Joyner).

Lori and Pierre Groleau of 64 Jarmany Hill Road came before the Board for a preliminary meeting to discuss the possibility of subdividing their land into 2 parcels. They have contracted Meridian Land Services to help them through the subdivision process, but wanted to talk to the Board about the town requirements for a minor subdivision. They would like to keep roughly a 5-acre parcel with the house, and create a back lot of just over 10-acres. Meridian will determine if a building site is possible on that back lot. The issue of frontage for the back lot was discussed. The Groleaus will bring a map of the proposed subdivision to the August meeting of the Board.

The Board revisited the RV Ordinance proposal. The issues regarding storage of RVs during periods of non-use were discussed. The number of vehicles allowed, registration and roadworthy status were also discussed. Currently, the town allows one unregistered vehicle on a property with no restriction on the number of registered vehicles. It was proposed that up to 2 RVs be allowed during periods of non-use, but at least one must be registered and roadworthy. It was also proposed that RVs must be stored during periods of non-use outside the setbacks. The Board will revisit this part of the proposed Ordinance in August.

The next monthly meeting of the Planning Board will be on August 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM.

As there was no other old or new business, a motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 PM (DeBonis/Joyner).

Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Osgood
Date Approved_08/13/2024.