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Resource Guide

  • Town of Sharon, New Hampshire
    432 NH Route 123,
    Sharon, NH 03458
    603-924-9250 • FAX 603-924-3103 •

    Admin email –

    Contact form – Click here

  • Fire/Ambulance: 911

    Emergency: 911
    Peterborough Police will respond rapidly to situations requiring immediate action, such as motor vehicle accidents, domestic disturbances, suspicious vehicles or persons and crimes in progress.

    Non-Emergencies: 603-924-8050
    Non-emergencies include investigation of burglary or vandalism, noise, animal or other nuisance complaints, requests for vacant property checks, etc. Call the Peterborough Police Department dispatcher at 603-924-8050.

    Sharon Town Emergency Management
    Sara Tobias

  • Visit Sharon’s Tax Kiosk to view property tax information online, twenty-four hours a day.

    Click button to view.

  • School District – Contoocook Valley School District (ConVal)
    Superintendent: 603-924-3336.

    Sharon children:
    ● Grades K-4 attend Peterborough Elementary School.
    ● Grades 5-8 attend South Meadow Middle School in Peterborough.
    ● Grades 9-12 attend ConVal High School in Peterborough.

  • Jaffrey Public Library
    38 Main Street, Jaffrey, NH 03452
    Obtain cards at the library.

    You can also borrow books (and DVDs) from the Town at the Meetinghouse. All items were donated by Sharon residents. Borrowing is on the honor system, please return the items when you are done.

  • Recreation Department
    Sharon residents must arrange payment of fees to the Peterborough Recreation Department (603-924-8080) for use of parks or recreational facilities, as the Town of Sharon does not pay for this.

    Peterborough Recreation Center

    Peterborough Recreation Department

  • Peterborough Recycling Center
    Scott Mitchell Drive (off Route 202 North) Peterborough, 603-924-8095.
    Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 A.M.-5:45 P.M.

    Obtain $5 permit at the Recycling Center or Peterborough Town Clerk. All non-recyclable waste to be disposed of in special bags that are available for purchase (17 or 33 gallon bags) at Peterborough stores; they are not available at the Recycling Center. Call for details.

    August 12th, 2021 Changes to rubble disposal:
    The recycling center is no longer accepting rubble of any kind. Concrete, bricks, cement, or pavement. These items can go to Mathewson Company located on 160 Norway Hill Road Hancock, NH.  Hours Of Operation: Office Hours Monday – Friday: 7AM to 4PM  (603) 525-3549  It is suggested to call prior to going. There is a fee for all rubble except for pavement.

  • Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days for the residents of Peterborough & Sharon are  held at the Keene Recycling Center (55 Old Summit Road, Surry NH, 03431). There are 24 opportunities from March to October.  Please click here for scheduled dates.

    There is a 10 gallon limit per visit  – a fee is charged for anything above the 10 gallons.  It is suggested you call (603) 352-5739 for details in advance. Payment is by check only. No cash or credit cards accepted. 

    Questions about household hazardous waste? Give the Peterborough Recycling Center a call at (603) 924-8095.

    Part of pollution prevention is “product substitution”: Using a less toxic or non-toxic product. If you would like to receive a list of alternative household products, please stop by (or call) the Peterborough Recycling Center. 

  • Inform your septic pumper that the City of Keene Wastewater Treatment Plant accepts domestic septage from the Town of Sharon.

  • NH DMV

    New Hampshire Motor Vehicle Division


    Address: 149 Emerald Street, Suites A-1 and A-2
    Days: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Friday
    Services: Drop box; Driver LicensingRegistration (vehicle and boat); Walking Disability; apply for Duplicate Titles


    Address: 4 Meadowbrook Drive
    Days: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Friday
    Services: Drop box; Driver LicensingRegistration (vehicle and boat); Walking Disability; apply for Duplicate Titles

  • Town maps are available from the Town Clerk for a fee of $10 each (payable to the Town of Sharon, cash or check).

    There is limited stock of the maps, so please call ahead (603-924-9250) or use the Contact Us form to check availability or to order.

    Map details:

    • Size: 24 inches by 36 inches.
    • In color on 20# white paper.
    • This is not a surveyed map. All features are approximate in size and location. Corrections are welcome.
    • Shown are: Roads, Streams/Rivers, Lot lines, Lot acreage, Map/Lot number (eg 7-12 which can be used in the Tax Kiosk), Street number, and Owner name.

    Screenshot of 2024 map.

  • Vital records issued:
    Residents may meet with the Town Clerk during normal business hours, at the Sharon Meeting House, to obtain copies of certificates of Birth, Marriage, and Death. Residents may also apply for a Marriage license.