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Selectmen 2024-01-18

Selectmen Minutes January 18, 2024

Present: Chet Bowles, Diane Callahan, Rich Dufresne

Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:05 pm.

Motion to approve the minutes of 1/2/2024, with the addition of Chet Bowles in attendance (Bowles/Callahan). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to approve the payroll and manifest for 1/16/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

Mr. Bowles, as Chairman, signed the 2023 4th Qtr 941 payroll tax return and the 2023 W-3 return.

Kerry Conner of Avitar emailed requesting a meeting with the Board and the DRA to discuss the 2024 update. The Board asked the Town Administrator to contact Kerry with the dates of February 20 or March 5.

Review of the new Police contract submitted by Peterborough. The Town Administrator mentioned that this contract does not mention calls for service or dog complaints. The Board discussed meeting with the Police Chief and the Peterborough Town Administrator. Mr. Dufresne will contact the Peterborough Town Administrator to set up a meeting to clarify the contract.

Mr. Bowles:
John MacEachran and Gerry DeBonis are still pondering the Health Officer position. Serena Shomody may take the position if there could be a team approach with MacEachran and DeBonis. Mr. Bowles will follow up with MacEachran and DeBonis. Mr. Dufresne will follow up with Ms. Shomody.
Ms. Callahan:
Has not contacted a propane vendor yet. Mr. Bowles suggested waiting until after the generator repair has been completed.

Sandy Eneguess:
Signs that have been graffitied have been painted over.
Plowing, culvert cleaning and taking care of trees down have been completed over the past few weeks.
Driveway plower are pushing snow onto the road. Some of them have been spoken to.

Meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm

Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 02/05/2024.