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Selectmen 2024-03-05

Selectmen Minutes
March 5, 2024

Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne

Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm.

Motion to approve the minutes of 2/20/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

Signed intent to cut for Harris Construction for Map 5 Lot 14 and Map 6 Lot 2. Anne Booth said the boundary in on town line brook and asked about wetlands notifications.

Reviewed warrant articles for the 3/14/2024 town meeting. Deb Harling will speak to articles 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Chet Bowles will speak to articles 7, 8, and 9.
Rich Dufresne will speak to articles 10 and 11.

Mr. Dufresne:
Spoke about connecting the Meeting House to Xfinity for internet and phone service. Rory Goff is working with Comcast at this time. The Town Administrator will work with Rory Goff.

Mr. Bowles:
Open positions: Beth Fernald has said she will run as a write-in for the position of Moderator. Jamiee Rondeau is running as a write-in for the Audit Committee. Someone has spoken to Mr. Bowles about the Select Board position, Mr. Bowles will verify that this person is willing to run as a write-in.
Mr. Bowles will contact Elizabeth Preston about filing an application for site plan review on her farm stand. The Board may need to get the Town Attorney involved.

Anne Booth:
The ConCom is proposing an amendment to the signs at the Town Forest. They will vote on the changes at the next meeting and bring them to the Select Board.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 03/19/2024.