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Selectmen 2024-05-07

Selectmen Minutes
May 7, 2024

Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody

Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:32 pm.

Motion to approve the minutes of 4/16/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

Review of current use application for Mary Beck, Map 6 Lot 25. Motion to approve the current use application for Mary Beck, Map 6 Lot 25, (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried. The current use application was signed.

Review of the 2024 paving contract with Busby Corporation. Motion to approve the 2024 paving contract with Busby Corporation (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried. Bowles signed the contract.

Review of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Travis Brown and Granite State Munitions. Motion to accept and approve the MOU for both Travis Brown and Granite State Munitions (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried. Travis Brown had submitted a signed copy of the MOU, the Board signed the MOU. The Town Administrator will forward a signed copy of the MOU to the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms).

Karen Shea Dufresne, Tax Collector, spoke to the Board about the 2024 1st issue property tax billing. She would like the warrant signed on 5/21/2024, the bills will be mailed out on 5/22/2024, and be due on 7/1/2024. The Town Administrator will forward information to Avitar Associates to have the property tax warrant and tax bills created.

Review of an email from Rory Goff regarding the water situation at the Meeting House. Mr. Goff had sent several suggestions and website links to information regarding the suggestions. The Board members were not able to get the website links to work. It was decided that the well will be treated with bleach for the short term and an UV filtrations system will be looked at.

Review of information for the purchase of new computers. The Town Clerk and Town Administrator would like to purchase Dell Inspiron 24 All-In-One and a Dell Inspiron 15 laptop for the Town Clerk from Dell. All accessories and software can be purchased from Amazon. Motion to approve the purchase of new computers, needed software, and accessories and to use the funds appropriated at the March 14, 2024 Town Meeting, warrant article #11 (Dufresne/Bowles). All in favor, motion carried.

Dee Mitlchell, Town Clerk:
Tracy Tanner, Deputy Town Clerk, has given her resignation as she will be moving out of state. The Town Clerk is accepting the resignation effective May 30, 2024. The Board accepted the Town Clerk’s recommendation.
Mr. Bowles:
Attended the first withdrawal committee meeting. Dublin and Francestown both had warrant articles on their town warrants which were approved by the towns and starts the process for a study committee to look at the withdrawal of these towns from the Conval School District. The committee will have 18 members, a School Board representative from each of the 9 towns and a Select Board member from each of the 9 towns. The Committee will need to submit a recommendation by November 1, 2024. Mike Williamson asked the Board if they would like to have the person from Dublin who is leading the withdrawal request come and speak to them. Bowles suggested that this person speak to him personally as he is the Sharon Select Board member on the Withdrawal Committee. Dufresnes did not think that hearing this person would be relevant at this time. Shomody said that the process needs to be followed.

Mr. Dufresne:
The Cemetery Committee is close to being done. They have put together a report of what other towns are doing and would like to determine what would be needed for Sharon. The Committee would like the Board to review the draft and then dedicate time for review.
Informed the Board that Gina Goff has asked that the Committee close the old parts of the cemeteries and no longer allow burials in those portions. Dufresne thinks that this should be a separate conversation with the Select Board.

The Board will start the summer schedule in June and meet the third Tuesday of June, July, and August. Other meetings may be called if needed.

Ken Callahan:
The propane tank for the generator is down to 50%. The Town Administrator will contact Ciaradelli to set up an account and have the tank filled.

Karen Shea Dufresne:
The Meeting House usage survey elicited 25 responses. Four people have volunteered to be on a committee to plan functions. Ms. Dufresne requested permission to set up this committee to plan functions at the Meeting House. The Board approved.

Motion to adjourn – Dufresne

Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.

Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 05/21/2024.