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Selectmen 2024-05-21

Selectmen Minutes
May 21, 2024

Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody

Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm.

Motion to approve the minutes of 5/7/2024 (Dufresne/Shomody). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to approve payroll and manifest for 5/21/2024 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to approve the 2024 1st billing property tax (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to approve an intent to cut for Michell Young, M 4 L 2 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

The Town Administrator informed the Board that the generator seems to have an internal propane leak. The TA will contact Powers Generator regarding this and request information on what may have caused a failure.

Motion to approve the purchase of 2 All-in-One computers and a laptop from Dell for a cost of $3,039.92, which includes Office Home and Business, and to approve the TA to sign the purchase order, against the 2024 warrant article #11 (Bowles/Shomody). All in favor, motion carried.

Jeff Gardenour met with the Board to determine if he needs a new building permit for his garage. The garage was included in the original building permit for the house, but they were not ready to build the garage at that time. Motion to re-approve the permit to build for the garage (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

The TA informed the Board that Gina Goff had asked if Kona Cleans, the cleaner for the Meeting House, could clean the Brick Schoolhouse. After discussion Dufresne suggested having a “community cleaning day” for the Schoolhouse. Gina Goff will be asked if she would be able to coordinate this.

Discussion about the noise from the logging operation at the Harris Construction property. Shomody spoke to a manager at Harris Construction and informed him that the logging has been starting at 5:30 am. Anne Booth had tried to contact Harris Construction as well. Ms. Booth also spoke to the State of NH, and was informed that logging is considered agriculture. Ms. Booth also brought information forward that Harris Construction is opening a 10 acre gravel pit on her north border in Peterborough. Bowles stated that at one time there was a gravel pit in Sharon and it may be a grandfathered use. Shomody said that in the document he has seen there were no known gravel pits in Sharon. Dufresne suggested inviting the owner to a meeting to find out their plans. Dufresne offered to pursue this, but Shomody said he has already been in contact so he could reach out to Harris Construction.
Mr. Dufresne:
Met with a representative from AquaAid and received a quote for water treatment systems. There would also need to be electrical work and a drainage system. Dufresne will contact another company for a second estimate. There was discussion about the cost and the need to look at alternatives. Bowles will look into the cost of a water dispenser.

Mr. Bowles:
There are about a dozen zoning issues, how should the Board handle these? It was suggested that a form letter be sent out to owners as a 1st step, then have the site inspector take measurements. If the buildings in question are within the 100’ setback it would need to be determined if they were there before the change in the zoning, if the building is in violation an option would be to move it. Dufresne stated that the Board is responsible to enforce the zoning and asked if the 100’ setback should be looked at again, Shomody stated he had thought about this also.
The Planning Board hearing on Elizabeth Preston ended with a conditional approval regarding parking. The farm stand location needs to go to the ZBA.
Update on the Conval Withdrawal Committee – they will be meeting on 5/23/24 with committees from Dublim and Francestown making presentations. There will be 2 meetings per month. Temple will not have a special town meeting, but may have a warrant article on their warrant in 2025.

Motion to adjourn – Dufresne

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 06/11/2024.