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Selectmen 2024-12-03

Selectmen Minutes
December 3, 2024

Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody

Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm.

Motion to approve the 11/9/2024 minutes (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to sign the DRA equalization form (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.

Acknowledged receipt of notification for a roof-mounted solar array for Gleeson, M 3 L 35G.

Shomody asked for an update on the Emergency Management Director position, Bowles has not spoken to the person he has in mind.

Harris property – there seems to be excavation activity, noises are being heard by Spring Hill Road residents. Shomody looked at GoogleEarth photos. It appears to be about 10 to 20 acres are being excavated and it also appears that the excavation is moving into Sharon. Ann Booth said that there is supposed to be a 10 acre pit in Peterborough, which was grandfathered. No notification has been received by any town official in Sharon. Bowles will contact Attorney Runyou with questions on how the town should proceed.

Reviewed a draft of the letter to be sent to residents and landowners regarding setbacks. Shomody explained to the public the reason for sending this letter. Bowles suggested that Attorney Runyon review the letter.

Dufresne asked if the town had any information regarding work being done at 81 Spring Hill Road. The TA will look into this.

Motion to adjourn – Dufresne

Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm.

Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 12/19/2024.