Selectmen Minutes
January 7, 2025
Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody
Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm.
Motion to approve the 1219/2024 minutes (Dufresne/Shomody). All in favor, motion carried.
2025 Budget Hearing set for Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 5:30 pm – regular Select Board meeting to follow.
Town elections are Tuesday, March 13, 2025 from 11 am to 7 pm, the Town Meeting will be Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 7 pm.
Harris Construction – Steve Boucher, owner; John Toomey, General Manager; Michael Wright, Respec Engineering (hired in November 2024).
Bowles explained that questions from residents of Spring Hill Road were brought to the Select Board because of noises that the residents were hearing that did not seem related to the logging operation. Shomody asked about work being done in Peterborough and Sharon.
Boucher explained that he purchased the property in 2020 and stated that it was his mistake that he didn’t meet with the Town or abutters. Boucher stated that he is running a small company and does believe in meeting with people. Boucher inquired about the type of noise being heard and explained that the site is currently shut down for maintenance and no activity is taking place. Boucher then stated that he has acquired a decibel meter. Boucher said that he had consulted attorneys when he purchased the property and has been operating on their advice that the operations are grandfathered and do not require permits. Boucher admitted that machines have been operating on the Sharon portion of the property and loaders have been extracting material from the Sharon portion.
Bowles stated that the company needs permits and permission from the Town in order to excavate in Sharon. Boucher referred to advice from his legal team and explained that his original engineer had died, Mr. Wright was employed in November 2024. Mr. Wright has not had the opportunity to review dates or determine the volume removed as of this date.
Shomody asked about alteration of terrain permits through the DES, Mr. Wright will be working on this. Shomody asked how large the operation will be, Boucher stated that it will be done in phases and the ultimate goal may be to re-forest. It was explained the MSHA (mining equivalent of OSHA) inspects and looks at all aspects of the operation. It was also explained that a perimeter survey was done for financing, but a full survey to determine the line between Peterborough and Sharon has not been done. Belanger Survey has been engaged to survey the lot.
There was discussion about the types of sand and gravel, and it was explained that the majority of the product from this property is plant washed product, which goes primarily to things like concrete.
Boucher’s attorney is Lynn Preston of Sheehan and Phinney. It was suggested that Ms. Preston contact the Town Attorney, Phil Runyon, to clarify the idea of a grandfathered operation.
Members of the public attending spoke about noise, excavation and reclamation. Question were asked about the existence of a business plan, amount of acreage in Sharon, how MSHA monitors noise.
Further questions from the Board included the filing of intent to excavate forms, and what other things might occur on the property.
After Boucher left the Board members mentioned that this is a complicated issue because the operation is a stationary manufacturing operation. Bowles stated that similar to logging, excavation has gone on for years and is permitted by the State, although it still needs to be done correctly.
Has not been able to reach Bob Greenwood.
Suggested that Nicole McStay be emailed about new dates to meet with Peterborough.
Thanked Shomody for the research and compilation done on the Harris property
Motion to adjourn – Bowles
Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.
Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 01/21/2025.