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Selectmen 2025-01-25

Selectmen Minutes
January 25, 2025

Present: Chet Bowles, Rich Dufresne, Jonathan Shomody

Call to order by Chet Bowles at 11:00 am.

Budget work session for 2025 budget.

The Board reviewed preliminary budget numbers supplied by the Town Administrator. The Board discussed the 2025 numbers from Peterborough for Fire, Ambulance, Police, and Recycling. Dufresne will contact the Police Chief for an explanation about the increase in the Police numbers. The Town Administrator will contact the Peterborough Town Administrator for an explanation about the increase in the Recycling numbers.

Ken Callahan:
Spoke about the work that Lynn Callahan has been doing with the framing archival pictures. Callahan would like to add $500.00 to the Archive budget to continue this work.
Spoke about fixing the ceiling in the Archive room, estimates it will cost about $700.00 and would like this to be paid from the Archive Trust Fund.
Bought two new fire extinguishers, will submit the invoice for repayment.

There was discussion about special projects around the Meeting House and School House. A warrant article will be put on the 2025 warrant to allocate money for this.

Rory Goff:
Asked about the emergency text program, the Board asked Goff to pursue this.
Asked about the suggested maintenance position, the Board is reluctant to formalize a position at this time.

Adam Haavy purchase the property on Temple Road, Map 3 Lot 19D. Heavy wants to log before getting an intent to construct. Bowles would like more information on setbacks and would like to see the septic design. No intent to cut is needed if there will be less than 15,000 board feet cut for the land conversion for a residence. Heavy has spoken to the Road Agent and has been informed that if he damages the road he will need to fix it.

Discussion about the Harris Construction appeal to the ZBA of the Board’s decision to issue a cease and desist. Bowles and Dufresne will need to recuse themselves from this hearing. PJ Joyner and Jane Murray are abutters and may need to recuse themselves as well. The Town Administrator will need to work with the ZBA to set up the hearing and find alternates. The ZBA has 45 days from January 17, 2025 to schedule a hearing.

There are possibly other violations existing, and this issue may have regional impact.

Motion to adjourn – Dufresne

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.

Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 02/04/2025.