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Selectmen 2025-02-18

Selectmen’s Meeting
February 18, 2025

Present: Chet Bowles, Richard Dufrense, Jonathan Shomody

Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm

Motion to approve the minutes of 2/4/2025 budget hearing and Selectmen’s minutes (Bowles/Dufrense). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to approve the 2/18/2025 payroll and manifest (Dufrense/Bowles). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to approve and sign the engagement letter for BCM Environmental and Land Law (Bowles/Dufrense). All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to approve the 2025 warrant and budget, contingent upon the DRA review (Bowles/Dufrense). All in favor, motion carried.

Discussion about increasing the legal line item at the town meeting. The bottom line budget is what is actually increased, but the residents will be informed that the increase is for legal expenses. The amount to increase will be determined before town meeting.

Discussion about Rory Goff’s plan to collect cell phone numbers for the emergency text notifications. The Board decided that text messages will be limited to emergencies only. The email to request information was approved.

Discussion about the Harris Construction excavation of property in Sharon. The Board thinks there is justification to notify DES about the alteration of terrain. A DES notice of violation will be completed. The Board will meet with a representative from the DRA on Thursday, 2/20/2025, to discuss the failure of Harris Construction to file an intent to excavate. The Board, and Jason Reimers of BCM, will meet with Harris Construction and their Attorney in March 2025.

Sandy Eneguess:
Has been busy plowing and sanding, has had to clean up from drifting. He has also been cleaning up after the contractors who plow driveways.

Update on the furnace – a part has been ordered and will be installed once it comes in. There should be heat for the large meeting room before the town meeting.

Anne Booth:
Asked the Board about cluster zoning, Bowles informed her that the cluster zoning ordinance was repealed.

Motion to adjourn – Dufresne

Meeting adjourned at 6:27 pm.

Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 03-04-2025.