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Selectmen 2025-02-20

Selectmen’s Meeting
February 20, 2025

Present: Chet Bowles, Richard Dufrense, Jonathan Shomody

Call to order by Chet Bowles at 10:00 am

Meeting with Steven Griffin, Appraiser Sand and Gravel for New Hampshire Department of Revenue.

Mr. Griffin was given an overview of the geography and history of the excavation that has occurred by Harris Construction in 2024 and perhaps earlier since 2021. Because the owner has not filed any applications of Intent of Excavate with the State or has come before the Town of Sharon’s Board of Adjustment and Planning Board to seek permits, this property has not been reassessed sot that the Town of Sharon could collect the appropriate taxes due.

Mr. Griffin explained the process for the Town of Sharon to collect back taxes and what actions the owner of this site needs to do so as to assure that all appropriate future taxes are collected for any excavation on this site.

Motion to adjourn – Dufresne

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.

Minutes taken by Richard Dufresne. Approved on 03-04-2025.