Selectmen’s Meeting
February 18, 2025
Present: Chet Bowles, Richard Dufrense, Jonathan Shomody
Call to order by Chet Bowles at 5:30 pm
Motion to approve the minutes of 2/18/2025 and 2/20/2025 (Bowles/Dufresne). All in favor, motion carried.
Discussion about getting rid of obsolete computer equipment and copiers. Bowles will check with the Peterborough Recycling Center about the cost to recycle this equipment.
Mr. Dufresne informed the Board that he had been approached about items in the Emergency Management room. Dufrense will speak to Sara Tobias about the needs for that room.
Update on Harris Construction: The Board met with Steve Griffin from the NH-DRA regarding the excavation on Map 6 Lot 2. Mr. Griffin is not familiar with the 155-A exemption being claimed by Harris Construction, but did affirm that an intent to excavate is required to be filed with the town where excavation is being done. Mr. Griffin followed up after this meeting and informed Shomody that he had a meeting in Peterborough and informed this Board that Peterborough Officials were surprised at the extent of activity on the Peterborough site. Mr. Griffin has sent a letter to the owner of Harris Construction regarding the requirement to file an intent to excavate on an annual basis. Shomody has filed a complaint about a failure to apply for alteration of terrain (AoT) with the NH-DES. Richard Hock of the NH-DES will be contacting Harris Construction as a review of the DES records indicates that no application for AoT has been filed recently.
The TA updated the Board and informed them that the furnace has been repaired. The generator minor pm service has been completed and Powers Generator is recommending a coolant service as the hoses appear to be original. The Board approved the coolant service and will sign the contract with Powers at the next meeting.
Reviewed the 2025 warrant to determine who will speak to warrant articles at the town meeting on 3/13/2025.
The Town Administrator will speak about article #s 3, 4, and 5.
Chet Bowles will speak about article #6.
Chet Bowles and Sandy Eneguess will speak about article #7.
Rich Dufresne will speak about article #8.
Jonathan Shomody will speak about article #9.
Rich Dufresne will speak about article #10.
Ken Callahan will speak about article #11.
Mr. Dufresne:
2 cemetery plots were purchased in 2024 by McFarland, Selinda Chiquoine’s parents. Ms. Chiquoine is planning a burial of ashes for her mother in June 2025. They have met with Kaufhold regarding corner markers and will coordinate with Dan Keaveny for the burial. Dufresne will coordinate with the Chiquoines to give them the lot certificate and receive the check to forward to Kaufhold for the corner markers.
Mr. Bowles:
Sent out an update on the status of Comcast’s internet build out.
Received a call from the Road Agent, who has received complaints about construction equipment in the road at the Temple Road building site. Sandy Eneguess, Road Agent, will speak to the builder.
Ken Callahan:
Presented an outline of a policy from the Archive Committee regarding the use of and/or loaning of materials from the archive. The Board approved the proposed policy.
Motion to adjourn – Dufresne
Meeting adjourned at 6:12 pm.
Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 03/18/2025.