Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Rich Dufresne, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Don Carrara- Alternate
5 members of the public
Public Hearing called to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:00 pm
Mr. Osgood explained that the reason for this public hearing is to review a proposed RV ordinance. There will be definitions for recreational vehicles and an added article to the ordinance. Osgood read the definitions and proposed ordinance.
DeBonis asked about the period mentioned for storage of RVs. Don Carrara asked about the length stating he has seen RVs of about 44 feet. Tobias suggested wording it as complying with DOT regulations.
Motion to amend the Travel Trailer definition to “body length of not more that fifty feet (Joyner/DeBonis), All in favor, motion carried.
Public Hearing closed at 6:19 pm (Joyner/Dufresne).