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Planning Board Minutes

  • Planning Board 2024-06-11

    Planning Board Minutes June 11, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias Public Hearing for John Albanese-, 43 Turnpike Road, ground mounted solar array called to order…

  • Planning Board 2024-05-14

    Planning Board Minutes May 14, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Rich Dufresne Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:00 pm Motion to approve the…

  • Planning Board 2024-04-09

    Planning Board Minutes April 9, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Rich Dufresne Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:06 pm Motion to approve the minutes of…

  • Planning Board 2024-03-13

    Planning Board Minutes March 13, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Diane Callahan Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:02 pm Motion to approve the…

  • Planning Board 2024-02-13

    Planning Board Minutes February 13, 2024 Present: Jeff Osgood, Bill Joyner, Gerry DeBonis, Sara Tobias, Diane Callahan Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:01 pm Motion to approve the…

  • PB Minutes 1-9-24

    Planning Board Meeting Mr. Joyner opened the regular meeting at 6:30 pm. Mr. Joyner introduced Deb Harling and explained that she will now be taking the Planning Board minutes, which…