FAQ Category: Uncategorized FAQ
Meeting Schedules
Emergency Management Team First Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM Flagger and EM Radio Practice Not scheduled yet
Town Clerk
Dianne Mitchell – Town Clerk 603-209-8909 (cell) Office: 603-924-9250 during office hours, or email at: sharontownclerk@gmail.com Office Hours: Tues and Thurs 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm, and by appointment, at…
Vital Records
Vital records issued: Residents may meet with the Town Clerk during normal business hours, at the Sharon Meeting House, to obtain copies of certificates of Birth, Marriage, and Death. Residents…
Trustees of Trust Funds
Rory Goff – Chair 603-289-0490 (Text is most effective) goff.rpg@gmail.com Jeff Osgood kalmiabks@gmail.com John LaDue johnjladue@gmail.com Responsibilities include: Depositing funds into trusts; withdrawing funds from trusts; preparing MS-9 and MS-10…
Rory Goff 603-289-0490 (Text is most effective) Town email: webmaster.sharonnh@gmail.com Personal email: goff.rpg@gmail.com Responsibilities include: adding/removing people from the email list; editing the website; sending out Town wide emails; posting…
Town Maps
Town maps are available from the Town Clerk for a fee of $10 each (payable to the Town of Sharon, cash or check). There is limited stock of the maps,…