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FAQ Category: Uncategorized FAQ

  • Where do we vote in Sharon?

    Voting takes place in the Meetinghouse on at 431 Route 123, Sharon NH 03458

  • Official NH Political Calendar

    NH political calendar for 2024 through 2025. Click to view.

  • Official NH Election Information

    This is the very helpful official NH website for: Voters, Candidates, Election Officials.

  • Absentee Ballots

    Absentee ballots are not available until 30 days prior to the election. Absentee ballots are available from the Town Clerk. Completed ballots must be mailed (via the US Postal Service)…

  • Voting Dates 2024

    All voting in Sharon NH takes place in the Town Meetinghouse between the hours of 11:00 am and 7:00 pm. Presidential Primary – January 23 Town Meeting – March 12…

  • NH Forms of Government

    NH forms of town government

  • Town Meeting – Top Ten things to know

    Town Meeting – Top Ten by Stephen C. Buckley, Legal Services Counsel

  • 16 Things Every Citizen Should Know About Town Meeting

    16 Things Every Citizen Should Know About Town Meeting H. Bernard Waugh, Jr., with 2015 Update by Cordell A. Johnston This article, written by H. Bernard Waugh, Jr., then NHMA…

  • The Secret of Sharon by Abram T. Collier

    The Secret of Sharon: An Overview of the History and Character of the Town of Sharon, New Hampshire. Relying heavily on much of the information in Thorn King’s book, The…

  • Sliptown by Thorn King

    Sliptown: The History of Sharon New Hampshire 1738 – 1941, by H. Thorn King, Jr.  It was privately printed by the author in 1965. Available on Amazon and possibly the…