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FAQ Category: Uncategorized FAQ

  • Conservation Commission

    Contact Us Fourth Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. Anne Booth and Anne Fischer, Co-Chairs. Management of Bass Memorial Town Forest, information on conservation easements and other conservation matters.

  • Cemetery Sexton

    Contact Us Dan Keaveny

  • Trustees of Trust Funds

    Contact Us Second Tuesdays in January, April, July and October at 5:30 P.M. Rory Goff, Chairman John Ladue Jeff Osgood

  • Welfare Officer

    Contact Us (Overseer of Public Welfare) Alexis Murray-Goulay Contact Town offices.

  • Zoning Board of Adjustment

    Contact Us Meetings as needed Chester Bowles, Chair Special Exceptions and Variances to the Sharon Zoning and Building Ordinances.

  • Fire Wardens

    Contact Us Fred Greathead, Warden 603-562-5165 Pete Paris, Deputy Frank Presto, Deputy Every person, firm or corporation who kindles or causes to be kindled any fire or burns or…

  • Supervisors of the Checklist

    Contact Us Susan Bowles Patricia Joyner 11:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M. on election days. Voter registration hours appear in local newspapers

  • Tax Collector

    Contact Us Karen Shea Dufresne 603-924-9250 Third Tuesday 3:00 to 5:00 pm Visit Sharon’s Tax Kiosk to view property tax information online, twenty four hours a day.

  • Emergency Management

    Contact Us Sara Tobias Contact Sara directly For fire, ambulance or police services, call 911

  • Planning Board

    Contact Us Second Tuesdays at 6:00 P.M. Jeff Osgood, Chairman