FAQ Category: Uncategorized FAQ
Trustees of Willard Bass Park
Contact Us Dave Campbell Mark Fernald Karen Debonis Claudia Lusky Sadie Halliday
Records Management Committee
Contact Us Volunteers work in the archives on Tuesday afternoons 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Meetings as needed.
Conservation Commission
Contact Us Fourth Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. Anne Booth and Anne Fischer, Co-Chairs. concom.sharonnh@gmail.com Management of Bass Memorial Town Forest, information on conservation easements and other conservation matters.
Trustees of Trust Funds
Contact Us Second Tuesdays in January, April, July and October at 5:30 P.M. Rory Goff, Chairman John Ladue Jeff Osgood
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Contact Us Meetings as needed Chester Bowles, Chair Special Exceptions and Variances to the Sharon Zoning and Building Ordinances.