Planning Board Meeting
February 11, 2025
Present: Jeff Osgood, Rich Dufresne, Don Carrara- Alternate
Call to order by Jeff Osgood at 6:00 pm.
Alternate Don Carrara was seated to make a quorum.
Motion to approve the minutes of the 1/14/2025 minutes (Dufresne/Carrara). All in favor, motion carried.
Harris pit – Dufresne explained that the BOS is now working with Jason Riemers, an attorney skilled in dealing with excavation law. Reimers is in contact with the attorneys for Harris Construction. The Select Board has issued a cease & desist order. Harris has agreed not to excavate until this matter is settled, however, they believe that 155-E allows them to excavate without permits from Sharon because they have a stationary plant in Peterborough and the land is contiguous. The Harris attorney has agreed to meet with the Select Board, tentative date is March 27, 2025.
No update on the Groleau subdivision, this will be on the March 2025 agenda
Osgood has been working on reorganizing the ordinances with Rory Goff. If the PB decides to reorganize a warrant article will be needed in 2026 for the voters to approve any changes. There was discussion about whether repealed articles should be removed from the ordinance. It was suggested that this might be a question for the NHMA or State Planning office.
Next meeting 03/12/2025.
Adjourned at 6:33 pm -Carrara
Minutes taken by Debra Harling. Approved on 03/12/2025.