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Town Offices & Officers

Click on a section to see meeting times and office holders. All meetings are held in the Town Meetinghouse. Many office holders do not have scheduled office hours. Please contact Town Administration to arrange meeting times.

  • Town Address

    Town of Sharon, New Hampshire
    432 NH Route 123, 
    Sharon, NH 03458
    603-924-9250 •

    Admin email –

  • 2023 Town Officers

    This is a list of Town Officers serving during 2023. The list will change after Town Meeting.

    Annual Report Town Officers 2023

  • Selectboard

    Contact Us

    The Selectboard meets on the First & Third Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 P.M.
    Chet Bowles –
    Richard Dufresne –
    Jon Shomody –

    RSA 41:8 Election and Duties. – Every town, at the annual meeting, shall choose, by ballot, one selectman to hold office for 3 years. The selectmen shall manage the prudential affairs of the town and perform the duties by law prescribed. A majority of the selectmen shall be competent in all cases.

  • Town Administrator

    Contact Us

    Debra Harling
    603-924-9250 –
    Meetings by appointment, but is often in the office during Town Clerk hours.

  • Town Clerk

    Contact Us

    Dianne Mitchell – Town Clerk
    Tuesdays and Thursdays – 5:30 pm to 7 pm
    Vehicle registration, dog licenses, vital records, absentee ballots, Town maps.
    Checks or cash only.

  • Road Agent

    Contact Us

    Sandy Eneguess
    To report emergency conditions only. Please direct general inquiries or suggestions to the Selectmen or Town Administrator.

  • Tax Collector

    Contact Us

    Karen Shea Dufresne
    Third Tuesday 3:00 to 5:00 pm

    Visit Sharon’s Tax Kiosk to view property tax information online, twenty four hours a day.

    Click button to view.

  • Moderator

    Contact Us

    Beth Fernald

  • Emergency Management

    Contact Us

    Sara Tobias
    Contact Sara directly

    For fire, ambulance or police services, call 911

  • Planning Board

    Contact Us

    Second Tuesdays at 6:00 P.M.
    Jeff Osgood, Chairman

  • Zoning Board of Adjustment

    Contact Us

    Meetings as needed
    Chester Bowles, Chair
    Special Exceptions and Variances to the Sharon Zoning and Building Ordinances.

  • Fire Wardens

    Contact Us

    Fred Greathead, Warden 603-562-5165
    Pete Paris, Deputy
    Frank Presto, Deputy

    Every person, firm or corporation who kindles or causes to be kindled any fire or burns or causes to be burned any material, except when the ground is covered with snow, SHALL obtain a written fire permit from the Forest Fire Warden in the town or city where the fire will be kindled. Brush-burning permits are required for safety and proper notification of regional fire lookouts. Residential refuse burning is prohibited by State law.

  • Supervisors of the Checklist

    Contact Us

    Susan Bowles
    Patricia Joyner

    11:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M. on election days.
    Voter registration hours appear in local newspapers

  • Welfare Officer

    Contact Us

    (Overseer of Public Welfare)
    Alexis Murray-Goulay

    Contact Town offices.

  • Trustees of Trust Funds

    Contact Us

    Second Tuesdays in January, April, July and October at 5:30 P.M.
    Rory Goff, Chairman
    John Ladue
    Jeff Osgood

  • Cemetery Sexton

    Contact Us

    Dan Keaveny

  • Site Inspector

    Contact Us

    Pierre Grouleau

  • Conservation Commission

    Contact Us

    Fourth Tuesday at 6:30 P.M.
    Anne Booth and Anne Fischer, Co-Chairs.
    Management of Bass Memorial Town Forest, information on conservation easements and other conservation matters.

  • Records Management Committee

    Contact Us

    Volunteers work in the archives on Tuesday afternoons 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  Meetings as needed.

  • Trustees of Willard Bass Park

    Contact Us

    Dave Campbell
    Mark Fernald
    Karen Debonis
    Claudia Lusky
    Sadie Halliday

  • School Board Representative

    Contact Us

    Jim Fredrickson

  • Audit Board

    Contact Us

    Jamiee Rondeau

  • Town Treasurer

    Contact Us

    Susan Bowles