FAQ Category: Uncategorized FAQ
See Property Tax Information
Visit Sharon’s Tax Kiosk to view property tax information online, twenty four hours a day.
Burn (or Fire) Permits
Contact the Fire Warden Fred Greathead, Warden 603-562-5165 fredgreathead@gmail.com Frank Presto, Deputy Brush-burning permits are required for safety and proper notification of regional fire lookouts. Residential refuse burning is prohibited…
Driver’s License
NH DMV New Hampshire Motor Vehicle Division Keene Address: 149 Emerald Street, Suites A-1 and A-2 Days: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Friday Services: Drop box; Driver Licensing; Registration (vehicle and boat); Walking Disability; apply for Duplicate Titles…
Motor Vehicle Registration
You can register your vehicle with the Town Clerk during the clerk’s office hours. Registration renews yearly in the month of your birth. (Trailers must also be registered.) For a…
Septic Waste Disposal
Inform your septic pumper that the City of Keene Wastewater Treatment Plant accepts domestic septage from the Town of Sharon.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days for the residents of Peterborough & Sharon are held at the Keene Recycling Center (55 Old Summit Road, Surry NH, 03431). There are 24 opportunities…
Conval School District
School District – Contoocook Valley School District (ConVal) Superintendent: 603-924-3336. Sharon children: ● Grades K-4 attend Peterborough Elementary School. ● Grades 5-8 attend South Meadow Middle School in Peterborough. ●…
Jaffrey Public Library 38 Main Street, Jaffrey, NH 03452 603-532-7301. Obtain cards at the library. You can also borrow books (and DVDs) from the Town at the Meetinghouse. All items…
Recreation Department
Recreation Department Sharon residents must arrange payment of fees to the Peterborough Recreation Department (603-924-8080) for use of parks or recreational facilities, as the Town of Sharon does not pay…
Recycling Center
Peterborough Recycling Center Scott Mitchell Drive (off Route 202 North) Peterborough, 603-924-8095. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 A.M.-5:45 P.M. Obtain $5 permit at the Recycling Center or Peterborough Town…